Servicing Long Beach Island (LBI), Avalon, Stone Harbor, Sea Isle and Brigantine, NJ

Bed-Making Service – Per Bed


You’re on vacation so let us make your bed for you!

Pack Lite provides a bed-making service so you can thoroughly enjoy your time with family and friends during your next Jersey Shore trip. With your beds made, you will be ready for vacation fun. Just drop your bags and do your thing. We'll deliver your sheets and make your beds before you arrive.

The cost of our bed-making service is $15.00 per bed.

Reserve our services today for your next Jersey Shore vacation and spend your time relaxing, not straightening!

Example: Quantity reflects number of beds...If you have 7 beds, please select 7 for quantity.

*** If we are unable to get a key from realtor or obtain access to home, we will need to cancel bed making service and credit you for the cost.
